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are some book reviews of:
Maybe it should have been a three iron': My Year as a Caddy for the 438th
Best Golfer
by Lawrence Donegan writes:
"The opening sentences of Donegan's delightful romp
through the European golf world sets its tone: "The first thing to
understand about caddying is it's not brain surgery. It's more complicated
than that," and the next couple of hundred pages prove the point. Put
a hapless golf fanatic like Donegan, a journalist by trade, on the bag of
another hapless golf fanatic-- British pro Ross Drummond, who would
probably be more successful in another line of work--and the results, no
matter how hard they try to play it straight, are as wayward as a duck
hook off the tee. Funnier than writer Michael Bamberger's trenchant
recounting of his exploits carrying Peter Teravainen's bag in -To The Linksland, Donegan's chronicle is a self-effacing romp from
beginning to end, though some hard-learned lessons manage to creep in
along the way: "I was an amateur, crap at it..., just like millions
of others. So what? It didn't mean I couldn't have a good time making a
fool of myself... What was it A.A. Milne had said about golf? It was the
best game in the world to be bad at. Let that be my motto." Of
course, it was Milne who also happened to create Eeyore. -- Jeff
Booklist reviews:
"British journalist Donegan spent a year caddying for
Ross Drummond, an also-ran on the European Professional Golf Tour.
Alternately complaining about the caddy's lot and rhapsodizing over the
chance to rub elbows with such golfing greats as Faldo and Montgomerie,
Donegan offers a revealing perspective on the daily grind for those in
golf's underclass. As with all strata of society, however, substrata run
deep, with caddies for the top players existing on a much higher plane
than those, like Donegan, who toil for the tour's hangers-on. The
writer-turned-caddy gambit is not exactly new: Michael Bamberger's Green
Road Home (1986) and To the Linksland (1992) both describe
similar adventures and manage to do so with more style, grace, and good
humor than Donegan is able to muster. Still, Donegan's perpetual grousing
and recurring bouts of indifference, though not exactly endearing, capture
the nagging reality of professional golf in a way that the more
celebratory side of the game's literature necessarily ignores. Bill Ott"
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